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Major: Business Management, Marketing, and Strategic Leadership
Hometown: Saint Clairsville, Ohio
Involvement on Campus: Ohio University Consulting Fellows, Tour guide
Expected Graduation: May 2021

How did you choose Ohio University?
Ohio University was the last campus I visited, but when I got here I instantly knew it was the right choice for me. There is nothing that beats the beauty and vibe of Ohio University.

How did you choose your major and what excited you most about it?
I have always been a people person, so the thought of studying and connecting with other people is what attracted me to business so much.

Have you ever used career or leadership training services on Campus?
Yes, I have used the Career and Leadership Development Center (CLDC) services several times. If I ever need an edit or just another set of eyes to look at my resume before a career fair, I head up to the CLDC.

Have you taken on any leadership roles at OHIO? If so, please describe.
I am currently a project leader for a marketing consulting project with Ohio University Consulting Fellows. I will be the point of contact with our client and the leader of our group.

Tell us about one of your most significant career development experiences at OHIO.
I think the business cluster was one of the most important experiences I have received at Ohio University. We got to work as a team on relevant projects with actual clients while in class.

What is your favorite thing about being a Bobcat?
Everything. I love Ohio University and my friends that go to other universities are constantly rolling their eyes because I talk about it that much. The people, atmosphere and the classes are a huge source of pride for me.

What advice would you give to your fellow Bobcats?
I would tell my fellow bobcats to just put it all out there. Be yourself.  Have fun in whatever you do, while also keeping up on your schoolwork. College is a time where you can mold and shape yourself into the person you want to be, and a time when you can make and surround yourself with some of the closest friends you’ll ever have. Don’t minimize your college experience and wish 20 years from now you could have done more.

What do you anticipate doing after graduation?
I am currently on the path to become a marketing or management consultant. That is my career goal and I am focusing on securing internships now, so I can land my dream job after I graduate.

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